
Core HD-Wallet Scheme

CIP-99Category: CORETag: FINAL約4分

This standard outlines the HD-wallet derivation scheme for Core Coin.


This standard outlines the HD-wallet derivation scheme for Core Coin.


Given that the classical BIP32 scheme is incompatible with Ed448, this standard presents an alternative implementation of HD-derivation. This alternative is grounded in the modified Core Coin cryptographic mechanism.



||   : concatenation
+ : regular addition of two numbers
+++ : addition of two points on Ed448
H(x, salt) : 57 bytes of the hash function HMAC-SHA512 with 2048 cycles of pbkdf2: PBKDF2(HMAC-SHA512, x, salt, 57, 2048))
chain, privKey, publicKey : [57]byte

Extended Keys

An extended key is represented by a [114]byte array. It is derived from chaincode || privateKey or chaincode || publicKey. As only Scheme1 supports HD-wallet derivation, all private keys must have the most significant bit of the last byte == 1. More details can be found in the "Core Coin Cryptography Scheme" CIP.

Master Key

The master key forms the root of the HD-derivation tree. It can be derived from mnemonics using a slightly modified version of the BIP39 scheme. You should adhere to this scheme until obtaining the seed (BIP39 Seed). The master key can then be derived as:

chain = H(seed, "mnemonicforthechain")
key = H(seed, "mnemonicforthekey")
masterKey = chain || key

For enhanced security, you should:

set the most significant bit of the last byte to 1 (masterKey[113] |= 0x80)
set the most significant bit of the next-to-last byte to 1 (masterKey[112] |= 0x80)
clear the second significant bit of the next-to-last byte (masterKey[112] &= 0xbf)

This master key corresponds exactly to the m in the m/44'/... derivation path.

Child Pair Generation: Chain Code

You can always generate pubKey from privKey. This operation will be denoted as private2public.

Child chaincode generation varies between usual and hardened keys. For a usual key:

pubKey = private2public(privKey)
childChain = H(0x03 || pubKey || i , chain), where i < 2^31

For a hardened key:

childChain = H(0x01 || privKey || i , chain), where i >= 2^31

Child Pair Generation: Private Key to Private Key

Child private key generation also differs between usual and hardened keys. For a usual key:

pubKey = private2public(privKey)
template = H(0x02 || pubKey || i , chain), where i < 2^31

For a hardened key:

template = H(0x00 || privKey || i , chain), where i >= 2^31

Next, nullify the top 4 bytes and the last 2 bits of the template for security reasons, resulting in the clampedTemplate = clamp(template). Then, the child privKey can be computed as:

childPrivKey = privKey + clampedTemplate

Note: There won't be an overflow since the upper bytes of the template are set to zero. EdDSA security standards necessitate the 9th bit of privateKey to be 1 to defend against rho-attacks. We clamped the template because we want to add it to privateKey while ensuring that the 9th bit of the result remains secure. As 32 bits following the 9th bit are zero, we can perform at least (2^22) addition operations on the privateKey. This restricts the tree's hierarchy level to approximately (2^20).

Child Pair Generation: Private Key to Public Key

Public keys are generated using the privateKey2privateKey method, and then deriving the public key from the private key as usual.

Child Pair Generation: Public Key to Public

It is impossible to generate a child public key from a hardened public key, which is the primary attribute of hardened keys: they are designed to prevent such derivation.

However, usual child public keys can be derived from a usual parent public key. First, calculate the clampedTemplate as described above:

template = H(0x02 || publicKey || i , chain), where i < 2^31
template -> clampedTemplate

Next, compute a point on Ed448 corresponding to the clampedTemplate and add it to the publicKey using point addition for Ed448:

point = private2public(clampedTemplate)
childPublicKey = publicKey +++ point

This public key aligns with the private key generated by the private2private method.


This scheme offers an alternative between the classical Ed448 signature mechanism and the ability to generate HD-wallet keys in a BIP32-like manner.

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