
BaseToken, Enhanced CBC20 Token Implementation

CIP-110Category: CBCTag: DRAFT約2分

BaseToken, Enhanced CBC20 Token Implementation


This CIP proposes the "BaseToken" contract, an abstract smart contract that extends the standard CBC20 token functionality. It incorporates additional features like batch transfers and dynamic allowance adjustments while maintaining compliance with the CBC20 standard.


The primary motivation behind this proposal is to enhance the CBC20 token standard by introducing additional functionalities commonly needed in many decentralized applications. These include batch transfers for efficiency and methods for increasing or decreasing allowances, which provide better control over token spending.


The "BaseToken" Contract

Key Features:

  • Standard CBC20 Functions: Includes all standard CBC20 functions such as transfer, approve, and transferFrom.
  • Batch Transfers: Allows the execution of multiple transfers in a single transaction.
  • Dynamic Allowance Management: Functions to increase or decrease token allowances.
  • Minting and Burning: Internal functions (_mint and _burn) for creating and destroying tokens.
  • Events: Emitting events for minting (Mint), burning (Burn), transfers (Transfer), and approvals (Approval).

Technical Details

  • Blockchain Compatibility: Core Blockchain (Ylem Version >0.8.0)
  • Core Functions:
    • batchTransfer(address[] memory recipients, uint256[] memory amounts): Allows batch token transfers.
    • increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue): Dynamically adjust allowances to increase spending limits.
    • decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue): Dynamically adjust allowances to decrease spending limits.
    • _mint(address account, uint256 amount): Internal function for token minting.
    • _burn(address account, uint256 amount): Internal function for token burning.


Including batch transfers and dynamic allowance management, the "BaseToken" contract addresses efficiency and flexibility concerns in token operations. Batch transfers reduce transaction costs and complexity, while dynamic allowance management gives users more control over their token allowances.

Backward Compatibility

This contract adheres to the CBC20 standard, ensuring backward compatibility with existing CBC20 tokens and Core Blockchain-based applications.

Security Considerations

Security measures, such as checks for transfer amounts and balances, are integral to the "BaseToken" contract. Additional audits and peer reviews are recommended to identify potential vulnerabilities and ensure robustness.


The "BaseToken" contract extends the CBC20 standard by adding practical features for real-world applications. Its adoption could streamline operations in numerous CBC20-based DApps, enhancing the overall Core Blockchain ecosystem's efficiency and functionality.

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