
AssetToken - Fixed Supply CBC20 Token

CIP-111Category: CBCTag: DRAFT約2分

AssetToken, Fixed Supply CBC20 Token


This CIP proposes "AssetToken," an extension of the BaseToken contract with a fixed total supply. It inherits all the functionalities of the BaseToken while initializing with a predefined number of tokens minted to the creator's address. This contract serves as a standardized model for fixed-supply CBC20 tokens.


The rationale behind the AssetToken contract is to offer a straightforward, deploy-ready CBC20 token implementation with a fixed supply. Many projects require tokens with a set total supply for reasons like preserving scarcity or ensuring predictability in token economics. AssetToken fulfills this need while providing the extended functionalities of the BaseToken.


Inherited Features

  • Inherits BaseToken: Includes all functionalities of the BaseToken, such as standard CBC20 functions and extended features like batch transfers and dynamic allowance adjustments.

Fixed Total Supply

  • The total supply is fixed at contract deployment, with the entire supply minted to the creator's address.

Technical Details

  • Blockchain Compatibility: Core Blockchain (Ylem Version >0.8.0)
  • Constructor:
    • Initializes the token with the specified name, symbol, and decimals.
    • Mints the total supply to the contract creator's address.


The choice of a fixed supply and the immediate minting to the creator’s address in the AssetToken contract are designed to simplify the deployment process for projects needing a standard, fixed-supply CBC20 token. This standardization can facilitate a wide range of applications, including but not limited to digital assets, project tokens, and various decentralized finance (DeFi) applications.

Backward Compatibility

AssetToken is fully compatible with the CBC20 standard, ensuring seamless integration with existing Core Blockchain wallets, exchanges, and other CBC20-compliant platforms.

Security Considerations

While inheriting the security features of the BaseToken, it is crucial to conduct thorough audits and reviews of the AssetToken contract, especially considering the irreversibility of the initial token minting process.


The AssetToken contract extends the BaseToken functionality to provide a simple, secure, standardized implementation for fixed-supply CBC20 tokens. Its adoption could streamline the creation of fixed-supply tokens across various Core Blockchain-based projects.

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